When it comes to body armor protection, HESCO has no superiors and hardly any peers. That’s why HESCO products have been the first choice for our nation’s armed forces for decades on end. After all, they have proved themselves time and time again on battlefields all over the world.
HESCO’s 211 plates are another chip off the old block and have provided unmatched performance for operations where ease of movement and concealability are primary factors. In fact, they have been purpose-designed for precisely such missions.
The entire HESCO 200 series consists of state-of-the-art body armor plates. They will protect the operators against various Special Rifle Threats (SRTs). These plates also provide excellent protection against multiple light and medium piercing (AP) rounds. Moreover, these low-visibility yet highly effective plates are ideal for operations where concealment and stealth are primary mission requirements.
They are so light and comfortable that they can even be worn for extended duty hours without causing discomfort, exhaustion, or fatigue. At the same time, you can rest assured that your L211 plates are reliable enough to ensure your protection from opponents who are armed with multiple types of military rifles. Since the HESCO 200 series has been designed to focus on both quality as well as value, it is inherently less expensive than many, if not most other body armor solutions out there.
The L211: The Best Body Armor Solution You Can Find!
All HESCO 200 series body protection armor plates have been designed from the ground up with the most advanced cutting-edge composite materials. This means you can count on them to be both reliable and durable—regardless of the environment in which you operate. Every HESCO L211 body protection plate is coated with high-quality, water-resistant materials, effectively making it impervious to all kinds of weather conditions.
If worn correctly, they will protect you against many of the more common rifle calibers such as the AK-47’s armor-piercing and even incendiary rounds. These plates will also absorb the tremendous impact of the M4/M16 assault rifle’s steel core equipped M855 NATO Green Tip ammo.
Finished in tough Cordura wrapping, they will last a long time when compared to other competing brands. They are available in both Shooter Cut as well as Single Curve configurations to cater to both military and LEA personnel.
HESCO’s personal protection products are subjected to an array of stringent tests prior to being shipped out to the consumer. Their L211 plates are also tested every bit as rigorously as all other HESCO products. These include tests to determine impact resistance as well as blunt force trauma and other kinetic impact tests. They are also tested to determine if they meet their water and chemical resistance standards.
All HESCO L211 body plates are proudly manufactured right here in Aberdeen USA. You can rely on them to give you the best value for your money without the need to compromise on quality.